Hope you all are in good spirits as you're here reading this post. I'm going to explain what I was feeling/thinking/doing as I captured this dope shot of these two amazing ladies who were walking in front of me.
The Shot: It was a fun night of being out in the city with Chapalina, one of the brodies had came along with me for this night of shooting. We were in an area of Buckhead known as The Triangle, it has a lot of casual bars, restaurants, The Buckhead Theatre, and a well known club called The Buckhead Saloon. That spot is crazy they be throwing fistfuls of napkins as a sport, people actually pay for these napkins to just throw them around the club. Anyways this shot here was captured after a bouncing around the area taking pics and providing them to people who wanted them. We were on the way back to my brodie's spot, I met him there earlier before heading out, when I saw the opportunity for the shot below. I saw the two ladies and felt it was perfectly framed and I had to grab it, I took a kneel, attempted to focus in but I had to be quick before the shot was gone, so I missed focusing on them and instead got the light pole and the signs. Didn't realize that until after.
After looking at the image and showing it to my brodie, we ended up catching up to the two ladies and showed them the picture, asked if they would like to have it after editing and they did. A dope moment for sure, glad I was able to capture this, and I plan to frame it to hang in my place.
Editing: When editing this photo I wanted to make sure I highlighted the ladies walking through the sign of the theatre, as well as ensure the lights were bright and highlighted in the image in a vibrant way without taking too much attention from my subjects in mind. As I mentioned above, I totally didn't realize Chapalina wasn't focused on the two ladies. At first I was a little bummed about it, but once I began editing I realized this picture was still FIRE! So much about this photo makes it a stunning image, the clarity, the lights from the sign, the ladies going about their night without a clue that they're being captured by Chapalina. Amazing, the more I tweaked with the colors, played with the contrast, brought out the lights, adjusted the shadows....a picture worth framing.
Equipment: Chapalina/FE 85mm GM 1.4
